I have agreed to the services as a volunteer/intern at TradeWinds Services, Inc. This waiver, Release, and Hold Harmless Agreement covers all events and occurrences associated with this volunteer's/intern's activities.
By signing this Waiver, Release, Hold Harmless Agreement, I voluntary agree:
If I have concerns about my health or ability to participate in volunteer/intern activities, it is my responsibility to discuss my concerns with my physician before deciding to participate as a volunteer/intern at TradeWinds Services, Inc.
As a volunteer/intern, I am not an employee of TradeWinds Services, Inc. nor am I covered by worker's compensation or any other insurance policy through the agency.
To assume the risk that unexpected events may occur and result in loss, harm, injury, or illness to me or damage to my property while I am participating in or observing volunteer/intern activities or while I am traveling to or from the activity.
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless TradeWinds Services, Inc. its sponsors, employees, volunteers, interns, affiliates, officers, agents, successors and assigns, subordinates, and any other persons connected to this event from any liability, specifically including negligence attributed to TradeWinds Services, Inc.
In the event that I require emergency medical treatment, I give my permission for evaluation, diagnoses, treatment, and/or medication in accordance with the standard medical practice by licensed medical personnel. I relieve TradeWinds Services, Inc. of all responsibility and consequences that may arise as a result of treatment. Further, I agree to accept any and all financial responsibility as a result of the performed treatment.
I enter into this waiver of my own free will, and no duress or promises have been made to me for purposes of inducing me to sign this document.